Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Bee Hive Timeline

Picked op 5 frame nuc from Jimmy Shobert in Laverne OK. June 18th 2014
Hived nuc in 10 frame deep June 19th 2014, nuc frames were medium frames, all we had were deep frames so consisted of 5 medium frames and 5 deep frames
Did first hive inspection did see queen or any eggs. June 25th 2014
Ordered new queen June 26 2014 from shamrock s
Received new queen on July 2 2014
Got 2 more frames of bees from jimmy on July 2 2014, these bees seemed much more aggressive than first bunch.
Placed queen cage into hive July 3 2014,
Removed cork from queen cage July 4 2014. Hive now consists of 7 medium frames and 2 deep frames.
July 8 2014, took 7 medium frames and placed in medium box along with 3 new frames, 2 of which are foundation less. Placed 2 deep frames that were being drawn out into deep box along with 4 new frames. Released the queen, she flew away but came back. Saw her walking around one of the coffee cans with water and vegetable oil that legs of stand are in, then she fell in. Fished her out and placed her on top of the frames and she went down into frames. Hope the other bees clean her up and shes alright.